An avocado a day improves fatty acids in red blood cells

by | Aug 15, 2024 | Research Update

In a scientific first, researchers have shown that eating an avocado a day improves the fatty acid profile of red blood cells, demonstrating a mechanism through which avocado consumption is cardioprotective.

This new study published on 10th August 2024 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is part of the HAT (Habitual Diet and Avocado Trial) conducted by researchers from several universities in the USA. HAT is a multi-site, free-living, parallel-arm study comparing one avocado a day (AVO) and a habitual diet (HAB) in almost 1000 participants.

Red blood cell (RBC) fatty acid (FA) profiles as well as cardiometabolic risk factors (CMRF) were measured at three and six months. After adjustments and using linear regression and mixed-effect models, one significant difference was found in the AVO group – higher MUFA cis-vaccenic acid levels (18:1n-7) (thought to be cardioprotective).

The AVO group did not show some adverse RBC FA effects seen in the HAB group associated with unfavourable changes in CMRFs including visceral adiposity, lipid profiles, glucose and insulin.

The cardiometabolic benefits of avocado consumption are well known. Previous research has shown MUFA cis-vaccenic acid is inversely associated with coronary artery disease risk. This study shows, for a first that consumption of an avocado a day can enhance MUFA cis-vaccenic acid in red blood cells thereby elucidating a mechanism through which cardio-protection can occur.

Practice tips

  • Recommend a healthy plant-rich diet that includes avocado.
  • Encourage daily consumption of avocado (whole avocado) for people with increased cardiometabolic risk.
  • Provide practical advice to enjoy avocados across a variety of meal occasions. Try adding avocado on toast at breakfast, sliced avocado on a sandwich at lunch and add avocado to your favourite salad at dinner. Need more inspiration? Try our free Healthy 7-Day Meal Plan.
  • A serving of avocado is 75g (half an avocado) and can count as a serve of vegetables.



Matthan NR, Lovato L,  Petersen KS, Kris-Etherton PM et al. Effect of daily avocado consumption for 6-months compared to habitual diet on red blood cell fatty acid profiles and association with cardiometabolic risk factors in individuals with abdominal obesity: a randomized trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2024.

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